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10 Days 528 : 20.12.2017

Chess games 9715
Chess tournaments 67

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Banyoles ESP, Girona Ch 2017

Rank SNo.     Name                            Rtg FED Club                       Type Gr Pts Fide                  Fide                  BH. 
   1    1     Mendez Camarasa Fernando       2262 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs               8   42  41   39   36   32   27½  22   15½   8  53  
   2    3     Pinsach Gelabert Alexandre     2097 CAT Figueres C.E.                      7½   37  36   34   31   28   24   19½  14    7½ 53½ 
   3    2     Gonzalez Vericat Sergio        2135 CAT Gerunda, C.E.                      6½   36  35   33   30   26½  22½  17½  12½   6½ 54  
   4    6     Carrasco Holgado David         2049 CAT Gerunda, C.E.                      6½   34  33   31   28½  25½  22   17½  12½   6½ 48  
   5    5     Parals Marce Lluis             2061 CAT Figueres C.E.                       6  34½  33½  31½  28½  25   20½  16   11    6  53½ 
   6   11     Lazaro Pujol Abel              1928 CAT Olot                       U16  A   6   33  32   30   28   25   21   16   11    6  50  
   7   10     Cobos Navarro Francesc         1998 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           A   6   30  29   27   25   23   20   16   11    6  48½ 
   8   12     Llach Mascaro Josep Maria      1918 CAT Banyoles, C.E.             S60  A   6  29½  29   27½  25½  22½  19½  15½  11    6  43½ 
   9    7 WFM Vilar Lopez Monica           F 2039 CAT Olot                               5½  32½  31½  29½  26½  23   19½  15½  11    5½ 49  
  10    9     Salagran Ferragut Guillem      2000 CAT Gerunda, C.E.                      5½   32  31   29   27   24   20   15½  11    5½ 47  
  11   15 AFM Horta Gafarot Biel             1832 CAT Gerunda, C.E.              U14  B  5½   30  29   27   24½  21½  18½  14½  10    5½ 46  
  12    8     Fluvia Frigola Joan            2008 CAT Tordera C.E.               S60     5½  29½  28½  26½  24½  22   19   15   10½   5½ 48  
  13   13     Tarrus Galter Narcis           1902 CAT Gerunda, C.E.              S60  A  5½   28  27   25   23   21   18   14   10    5½ 44½ 
  14   23     Zamora Alarcon Juli            1731 CAT Banyoles, C.E.             S60  C  5½   26  25   24   22   20   17   14   10    5½ 40½ 
  15   21     Marques Reig Daniel            1744 CAT Banyoles, C.E.                  B  5½  25½  25½  24½  22½  19½  16½  13½  10    5½ 40  
  16    4     Parramon Ros Francesc          2068 CAT Gerunda, C.E.                       5   29  29   28   26   23   19   15   10    5  47½ 
  17   18     Ramirez Garcia Lluis           1782 CAT Tordera C.E.                    B   5   29  28½  27   25   22   18½  14½  10    5  45½ 
  18   29     Turon Crosa Isaac              1679 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs       U16  B   5   29  28   27   25   22   18   14    9½   5  48½ 
  19   16     Otones Lopez Antonio           1814 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           B   5   27  26½  25   23   20½  17   13½   9½   5  43½ 
  20   24     Teixidor Banus Josep Maria     1718 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs       S60  C   5   27  26   25   23½  21   17½  14   10    5  43  
  21   20     Chalmeta Torredemer Jordi      1753 CAT Banyoles, C.E.                  C   5   25  24   23   21   19   16½  13    9    5  44  
  22   26     Gallart Vila Joan              1701 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs            C   5   24  23   22   20   18   15   12    9    5  38  
  23   32     Rodriguez Navarro Ivan         1666 CAT Blanes C.E.                     B   5  23½  22½  21½  20½  18½  16½  13½   9½   5  40  
  24   33     Gratacos Font Albert           1662 CAT Banyoles, C.E.             U16  C   5   23  23   22   21   19   17   14   10    5  45½ 
  25   17 AIM Badosa Romanyo Albert          1810 CAT Santa Pau Club Escacs           B  4½   26  25   23½  21½  18½  15½  12    8½   4½ 42  
  26   31     Gili Munoz Daniel              1669 CAT Figueres C.E.                   C  4½  25½  24½  23½  21½  19   16   12½   8½   4½ 44  
  27   30     Perdomo Raudales Javier Fern   1678 CAT Banyoles, C.E.                  C  4½   25  24   23   21   19   16½  13    9    4½ 39½ 
  28   19     Vilanova Guardiola Josep M.    1771 CAT Figueres C.E.              S60  B  4½  24½  23½  22½  20½  17½  14½  11½   8½   4½ 47  
  29   25     Massaguer Soles Francesc       1706 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs             C  4½   24  23   22   21   19½  17   13½   9    4½ 37½ 
  30   36     Beltran Vidal Daniel           1637 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           C  4½  23½  23½  23   21½  19   16½  13    9    4½ 43  
  31   27     Voegeli Max                    1694 CAT Dotze Castells C.E.        S60  C  4½   23  22   21   20   18   15½  12½   9    4½ 38½ 
  32   48     Olcina Monells Jordi           1455 CAT Olot                       U12  D  4½  22½  22½  22   21   19   16   13    9    4½ 42  
  33   65     Vila I Bague Arnau             1233 CAT Montgri, C.E.              U10  E  4½  22½  22½  21½  19½  17½  14½  11½   8    4½ 42½ 
  34   37     Trias Punset Carles            1634 CAT Santa Pau Club Escacs           C  4½  20½  20½  19½  18½  17   14½  11½   8½   4½ 39½ 
  35   52     Garcia Caro Juan Alber         1420 CAT Alt Emporda, Club D'escacs U12  D  4½   18  18   17   16   15   13   11    8    4½ 39½ 
  36   42     Cros Garcia Marc               1569 CAT Olot                            D   4  20½  20½  19½  18½  16½  14½  11½   8    4  37½ 
  37   22     Palmero Castillo Marcelino     1742 CAT Blanes C.E.                     B   4   20  19   18   16½  15   13½  11    7½   4  40  
  38   44     Arambulo Urbaneta Henry Jose   1545 CAT Figueres C.E.                   D   4  19½  19½  18½  17   15½  13   10½   7½   4  40½ 
  39   43     Blasco Vidal Joan              1569 CAT Gerunda, C.E.              S60  D   4   19  19   19   18   16½  14   11    8    4  40½ 
  40   57     Camprubi Juanola Jordi         1358 CAT Banyoles, C.E.             U12  D   4   19  18   16½  15   13½  12   10    7    4  39½ 
  41   61     Martin Roldan Adam             1301 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs      U12  E   4  17½  17½  16½  15½  14   12½  10    7½   4  35½ 
  42   63     Casado Graboleda Jokin         1275 CAT Figueres C.E.              U12  E   4   15  15   15   15   14   12½  10    7    4  32½ 
  43   58     Higueras Ruiz Blai             1349 CAT Alt Emporda, Club D'escacs U12  E   4   15  15   15   14   13   12   10    7    4  35  
  44   68     Flavio Hervas Carretero        1079 CAT Alt Emporda, Club D'escacs U12  E   4   14  14   14   13   12   11    9½   7    4  29  
  45   39     Cobos Navarro Jorge            1627 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           B   4  13½  13½  13½  13½  12½  11    9    7    4  33  
  46   49     Roqueta Maffei Oscar Nahuel    1441 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs       U12  D  3½  22½  21½  20½  18½  16½  14   10½   7    3½ 43½ 
  47   38     Foix Breto Antoni              1630 CAT Sant Gregori C.E.               C  3½  19½  18½  17½  16½  14½  12    9½   7    3½ 41  
  48   53     Vinolas Anglada Laura        F 1415 CAT Figueres C.E.              U14  E  3½   17  16½  16   15   14   12   10    7    3½ 38½ 
  49   54     Vigueras Ruiz Francisco        1404 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs        S60  E  3½   16  16   16   16   15   13   10½   7    3½ 35½ 
  50   34     Burset Camps Guillem           1662 CAT Cassa C.E.                 S60  C  3½  14½  14½  14½  14½  13½  12   10    7    3½ 34½ 
  51   67     Ponsi Burgos Jordi             1122 CAT Banyoles, C.E.                  E  3½   14  14   13   12   11   10    8    6    3½ 30½ 
  52   46     Gallardo Gonzalez Rafael       1535 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           D   3  19½  19½  18½  16½  14½  12    9    6    3  41  
  53   47     Recio Romaguera Enric          1475 CAT Blanes C.E.                S60  E   3  17½  17   16½  15½  13½  11    8½   6    3  38  
  54   41     Franco Solanas Juan Antonio    1571 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs           D   3   17  17   16   14½  12½  10½   8    5½   3  37  
  55   40     Otones Lopez Josep Maria       1594 CAT Blanes C.E.                S60  D   3   15  15   15   14   12   10    8    6    3  37½ 
  56   66     Jimeno San Jose Luis           1165 CAT Blanes C.E.                     E   3   14  14   14   13   11½  10    8    6    3  37  
  57   51     Garcia Castany Jose            1422 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs       S60  E   3   14  13½  13   12½  12   11    9    6    3  36½ 
  58   28     Dilme Ferrer Josep M.          1685 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs             C  2½  18½  17½  16½  14½  12½  10    7½   5    2½ 34  
  59   14     Boubakha Mohamed               1898 CAT Santa Eugenia Escacs            B  2½   17  17   16½  15   12½  10    7½   5    2½ 40  
  60   62     Gallardo Espinar Daniel        1277 CAT Hostalric Club Escacs      U12  E  2½  12½  12½  11½  10½   9½   8    6½   5    2½ 34  
  61   64     Jurado Coderch Heribert        1253 CAT Olot                       U12  E  2½  11½  11½  11½  11    9½   8    6½   4½   2½ 34½ 
  62   50     Rodriguez Martin Joan          1426 CAT Blanes C.E.                S60  D  2½   7   7    7    7    7    7    6    4½   2½  33  
  63   55     Vinolas Anglada Jude Biel      1385 CAT Figueres C.E.                   E   2   12  12   12   11   10    8    6    4    2  34  
  64   45     Medina Barbero Pere            1543 CAT Blanes C.E.                S60  D   2   9½   9½   9½   9    8½   7½   6    4    2  32½ 
  65   59     Herce Carreras Javier          1328 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs             E   2   9½   9½   9    8    7    6    5    3½   2  34½ 
  66   60     Verdaguer Planella Pol         1313 CAT Olot                       U14  E   2   8    8    8    8    8    7    6    4    2  34  
  67   70     Zapparov  Aleksandr            1456 CAT Edami C.E.                 U12  E   1   9    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1  32  
  68   69     Jimenez Oro Jaume              1594 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs        S60  E   1   8    8    7    6    5    4    3    2    1  33  
  69   35     Sole Benegues Jordi            1653 CAT Caldenc Club Escacs        S60  C   0   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  27  
       56     Escriba Cufi Ferran            1381 CAT Figueres C.E.              U12  E   0   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  27


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