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10 Days 578 : 10.05.2019

Chess games 6045
Chess tournaments 67

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4NCL 2018/19 Div 1c rounds 9-11

4NCL 2018-19 England ENG Sat 10th Nov 2018 - Mon 6th May 2019
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
Division 1a
1Guildford 15-37-17-17½-½7½-½7½-½7½-½1449
2Wood Green3-55½-2½3½-4½6½-1½8-07-15-31038½
3Barbican 4NCL 11-72½-5½6-25-36½-1½4½-35½-2½1031
4White Rose 11-74½-3½2-64½-3½6-25-15½-2½1028½
6North East England½-7½0-81½-6½2-64-44½-3½4-4416½
7Oxford 1½-7½1-73-4½1-54-43½-4½4½-3½317½
8West is Best 1½-7½3-52½-5½2½-5½3½-4½4-43½-4½119½
Division 1b Manx Liberty 14½-3½5-36-24½-3½7½-½5-36-21438½
2Cheddleton 13½-4½5½-2½5-37½-½6-27-16-21240½
3Guildford 23-52½-5½4-47-15½-2½6½-1½5½-2½934
4Blackthorne Russia2-63-54-44-43½-4½5½-2½4-4526
53Cs 13½-4½½-7½1-74-43½-4½6-25½-2½524
6Celtic Tigers 1½-7½2-62½-5½4½-3½4½-3½3½-4½4-4521½
7Wood Green Monarchs3-51-71½-6½2½-5½2-64½-3½4½-3½419
8Grantham Sharks 12-62-62½-5½4-42½-5½4-43½-4½220½
Division 1c
1Guildford 1 6-26½-1½7-17½-½5-37-16½-1½1445½ Manx Liberty 12-6 4½-3½3½-4½5-36½-1½6½-1½6-21034
3Cheddleton 11½-6½3½-4½ 5½-2½5½-2½4½-3½7½-½5-31033
4White Rose 11-74½-3½2½-5½ 3½-4½4½-3½2-65½-2½623½
5Guildford 2½-7½3-52½-5½4½-3½ 4-44½-3½4-4623
6Wood Green3-51½-6½3½-4½3½-4½4-4 5½-2½5½-2½526½
7Barbican 4NCL 11-71½-6½½-7½6-23½-4½2½-5½ 6-2421
8Blackthorne Russia1½-6½2-63-52½-5½4-42½-5½2-6 117½
Division 1d
13Cs 1 6-25½-2½3½-4½6-1½3½-4½5½-2½6-21036
2Wood Green Monarchs2-6 4½-3½4½-3½2½-5½5-35½-2½6-21030
3Grantham Sharks 12½-5½3½-4½ 4-46-25½-2½4½-3½5½-2½931½
4Celtic Tigers 14½-3½3½-4½4-4 3½-4½4-44-34½-3½828
5Oxford 11½-65½-2½2-64½-3½ 4½-3½3½-4½4-4725½
6West is Best 14½-3½3-52½-5½4-43½-4½ 4-43½-4½425
7North East England2½-5½2½-5½3½-4½3-44½-3½4-4 4-4424
8Alba2-62-62½-5½3½-4½4-44½-3½4-4 422½
36 teams


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