For more than 6 years Chess Mix has been publishing the biggest periodical online chess games database "10 Days".

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 709 : 01.01.2023

Chess games 13085
Chess tournaments 69

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Arco ITA, Christmas Open 2022

Rank SNo.     Name                         Rtg FED Type Pts BH. BH. RtgØ 
   1    5     Lezzerini Marco             2107 ITA       6  25½ 28  1942 
   2    4 FM  De Santis Alessio           2159 ITA S50  5½  29½ 32½ 2005 
   3    2     Zuttioni Federico           2165 ITA      5½  27½ 30½ 2030 
   4    1 IM  Vezzosi Paolo               2168 ITA S50   5  27  30  1956 
   5    9     Pedoni Lorenzo              1990 ITA       5  24  27  1902 
   6   15     Romagnoli Franco            1935 ITA S50  4½  25  26½ 1932 
   7   22     Gabbani Sara                1850 ITA U18  4½  24  27  1945 
   8    7     Caprino Marco               2074 ITA      4½  24  26  1884 
   9   17     Delprato Uberto             1910 ITA S50  4½  24  24½ 1888 
  10   10     Rosol Philip                1958 POL U12   4  25  27½ 1919 
  11   25     Budai Leonardo              1756 ITA U12   4  24½ 27½ 1973 
  12   11     Ventura Sergio              1954 ITA S65   4  24  26½ 1843 
  13   18     Ni Polina                   1894 LAT S50   4  21½ 24  1841 
  14   13     Carletti Angelo             1950 ITA       4  19  21  1769 
  15   20     Giordano Massimiliano       1870 ITA S50  3½  24½ 27½ 1881 
  16    6     Rosol Alexander             2086 AUT U18  3½  23  26  1818 
  17   16     Buglisi Massimo             1930 ITA      3½  20½ 22  1761 
  18   14     Mortola Alberto             1940 ITA      3½  18  20  1657 
  19    8     Ager Josef                  2072 AUT S65  3½  18  19½ 1752 
  20   29     Guernieri Luca              1722 ITA U18   3  25  28  2007 
  21   33     Zanin Luca                  1670 ITA S50   3  24½ 28  1939 
  22   28     Wohlgenannt Nicolas         1734 AUT U14   3  24  24½ 1829 
  23   27     Budai Federico              1734 ITA U12   3  23½ 26½ 1924 
  24   12     Liloni Francesco Mattia     1951 ITA U16   3  23  25½ 1853 
  25   19     Mora Massimo                1880 ITA S50   3  22  24  1785 
  26   24     De Nisi Roberta             1761 ITA       3  21½ 23  1806 
  27   36     Zamboni Matteo              1604 ITA U18   3  21  23½ 1888 
  28   30     Caputi Giuliano             1704 ITA S50   3  21  23  1829 
  29   21     Marino Giovanni             1870 ITA S50   3  21  21½ 1821 
  30   31 AGM Cavoli Stefano              1692 ITA U18   3  19½ 21½ 1801 
  31   35     Chimenti Andrea             1608 ITA       3  17½ 18  1751 
  32   32     Costantino Claudio Emanuele 1684 ITA U12  2½  21  24  1855 
  33   39     Garlant Carlo               1447 SUI S50  2½  17  17½ 1758 
  34   34     Perlin Enrico               1639 ITA       2  20  20½ 1813 
  35   37     Costantino Gaia             1571 ITA U14   1  17½ 18½ 1701 
  36   26     Murgia Andrea               1750 ITA S50   ½  20½ 22  1926 
  37    3 FM  Calavalle Giulio            2160 ITA       0  17  18  1850 
  38   23     Proietti Tocca Tosca        1790 ITA       0  16½ 17½  0   
       38     Bruno Claudio               1551 GER S50   0  16½ 17½  0 


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