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10 Days 749 : 10.02.2024

Chess games 3468
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Nova Gorica SLO, 28th Hit Open

28. Hit Open 2024 - A

Organizer(s) : Chess club Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Tournament Director : Matjaz Loviscek (FIDE 14603241)
Chief Arbiter : Ana Srebrnic (FIDE 14603314)
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Aljosa Grosar (FIDE 14600170)
Arbiter : Andreja Dobrovoljc (FIDE 14609835), Igor Doklestic (FIDE 1804227)
Town : Nova Gorica
Rating-Ø : 2005
Date : 2024/01/26 To 2024/02/02

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                      Rtg FED Type Gr Pts Res. BH. BH. Vict 
   1    3 GM  Basso Pier Luigi         2482 ITA          7   0   46½ 51½  5   
   2    1 GM  Berkes Ferenc            2613 HUN         6½   0   46½ 52   4   
   3   13 WIM Gaal Zsoka             F 2341 HUN U16     6½   0   41½ 45½  5   
   4    4 IM  Csonka Balazs            2479 HUN          6   0   48  53   4   
   5    7 IM  Ceres Dragos             2438 MDA U20      6   0   47½ 51½  5   
   6    2 GM  Sebenik Matej            2536 SLO          6   0   45  49½  4   
   7   11 IM  Kulkarni Bhakti        F 2364 IND          6   0   44½ 49½  4   
   8   14 FM  Goroshkov Maksym         2338 SLO U18      6   0   44½ 49   5   
   9    5 GM  Beliavsky Alexander G    2475 SLO S60      6   0   43  48   3   
  10   26     Skrbec Leon              2218 SLO U16      6   0   41½ 45½  4   
  11   33     Kozlovic Jernej          2174 SLO U14      6   0   40½ 44½  5   
  12    6 IM  Doric Darko              2456 CRO         5½   0   45  49½  3   
  13   10 IM  Karacsonyi Gellert       2398 HUN U20     5½   0   45  49   4   
  14   19 FM  Ashwath R.               2284 IND         5½   0   44½ 48½  2   
  15   23 FM  Bodrogi Bendeguz         2261 HUN U16     5½   0   44½ 48   3   
  16    9 GM  Fercec Nenad             2410 CRO S60     5½   0   44  48   3   
  17   29 CM  Marchesich Giovanni      2210 ITA U20     5½   0   42½ 47   4   
  18   18 FM  Furlan Miha              2287 SLO         5½   0   42½ 47   3   
  19   25 GM  Djuric Stefan            2220 SRB S60     5½   0   42  46   4   
  20   15 FM  Ongut Tamas Gunes        2310 HUN         5½   0   41  45   5   
  21    8 GM  Cvitan Ognjen            2422 CRO S60     5½   0   40½ 44½  2   
  22   28     Zupancic Jernej          2211 SLO         5½   0   40  43½  4   
  23   37     Centrih Aleks            2082 SLO U18     5½   0   38  41½  5   
  24   21 GM  Drazic Sinisa            2270 SRB          5   0   45  49   3   
  25   35     Szegedy Matyas           2129 HUN U16      5   0   44  47   3   
  26   12 GM  Davies Nigel R           2349 ENG S60      5   0   42½ 46½  3   
  27   20 FM  Perossa Nicolas          2277 ITA U14      5   0   42  45   4   
  28   17 FM  Stevanic David           2294 SLO          5   0   41½ 45½  5   
  29   22     Plaskan Jure             2262 SLO          5   0   41½ 45½  4   
       44     Zupancic Urban           2025 SLO          5   0   41½ 45½  4   
  31   16 FM  Lavrencic Matic          2299 SLO U16      5   0   41  44½  4   
  32   24     Herega Nejc              2257 SLO U16  d   5   0   40  43½  2   
  33   27     Gregoric Andraz          2217 SLO U16  d   5   0   39½ 43½  4   
  34   46     Pirs Matjaz              1965 SLO          5   0   39½ 42½  3   
  35   45 WCM Dorokhina Elizaveta    F 1994 FID U18      5   0   39  42   4   
  36   62     Budai Leonardo           1847 ITA U14      5   0   37½ 41   5   
  37   43 WFM Kejzar Petra           F 2025 SLO          5   0   37½ 40   5   
  38   42 CM  Bazilius Augustinas      2030 LTU U14      5   0   36  38½  3   
  39   58     Budai Federico           1861 ITA U14      5   0   29  31½  4   
  40   36 WIM Hrescak Ivana          F 2117 SLO         4½   0   39½ 42½  2   
  41   32     Siraj Svit               2182 SLO U18     4½   0   39  43   2   
  42   73     Jalovec Igor             1703 SLO U14     4½   0   39  42½  2   
  43   34     Caruso Augusto           2159 ITA S60     4½   0   37½ 41   3   
  44   49     Privitera Franco         1919 ITA S60     4½   0   37½ 40   3   
  45   40     Markocic Tine            2055 SLO      d  4½   0   37  40   2   
  46   30 CM  Garsky Vladyslav         2186 UKR U14     4½   0   36  39½  3   
  47   51     Capaliku Aleks           1913 ITA S60     4½   0   34½ 37   3   
  48   68     Barbir Petar             1738 CRO         4½   0   34  36½  3   
  49   60     Tonel Giulia           F 1851 ITA         4½   0   32½ 35   4   
  50   59     Pagnutti Lorenzo         1859 ITA S60     4½   0   32½ 34½  4   
  51   63     Pagano Sergio            1821 ITA S60     4½   0   32  34½  4   
  52   31 FM  Ceschia Ivano            2183 ITA S60      4   0   43  47   3   
  53   39 CM  Debevec Blaz             2077 SLO          4   0   40  43½  3   
  54   79     Mazzi Leonardo           1647 ITA U14      4   0   38  42   2   
  55   41     Trybus Daniel            2039 POL U20      4   0   38  41   4   
  56   57     Veselic Maks             1874 SLO U14      4   0   38  41   3   
  57   54     Kukushkin Ivan           1890 LAT U10      4   0   37  40   3   
  58   50     Orsatti Marcello         1918 ITA          4   0   37  39½  3   
  59   77     Zlatanovic Srdjan        1675 SLO          4   0   36  39½  2   
  60   70     Petrosino Germano        1715 ITA          4   0   36  38½  3   
  61   66     Rigatti Giorgio          1749 ITA S60      4   0   35  37½  3   
  62   71     Ivsek Cveto              1711 SLO          4   0   35  37   2   
  63   48     Labrovic Jakov           1925 CRO          4   0   33  35½  3   
  64   85     Beber Anja             F 1606 SLO U12      4   0   32½ 35½  3   
  65   52     Horvath Andras           1901 HUN U14      4   0   32  34½  3   
  66   53     Hozjan Erik              1897 SLO          4   0   32  34   3   
  67   56     Kekic Urban              1885 SLO U14      4   0   30  32½  1   
  68   64     Novak Rok                1777 SLO         3½   0   36  39½  2   
  69   81     Gergolet Jan             1632 ITA         3½   0   36  39½  1   
  70   38     Mestek Igor              2080 SLO         3½   0   35½ 38½  2   
  71   87     Belyaletdinov Leonard    1581 SLO U10     3½   0   35  38½  2   
  72   61     Racnik Tone              1849 SLO         3½   0   33  35   3   
  73   55     Atakay Mustafa           1889 USA         3½   0   32½ 35½  2   
       65     Gricnik Tine             1758 SLO         3½   0   32½ 35½  2   
  75   78     Vodnik Val               1661 SLO U14     3½   0   31½ 34   3   
  76   74     Guid Taja              F 1698 SLO U16     3½   0   30½ 32½  2   
  77   86     Cortese Lina           F 1582 ITA S60     3½   0   27  29½  3   
  78   88     Mulec Dejan              1577 SLO         3½   0   26  28½  3   
  79   67     Zlatanovic Marcus        1745 SLO U18     3½   0   25½ 27½  2   
  80   90     Trybus Dominika        F 1530 POL U18      3   0   35  38½  2   
  81   69     Vicic Mark               1729 SLO U16  d   3   0   32  35   1   
  82   89     Milicevic Zoran          1550 ITA          3   0   31½ 34½  1   
  83   76     Papler Peter             1691 SLO          3   0   31  33   1   
  84   75     Gratton Damjan           1691 SLO S60  d   3   0   25  27   1   
  85   84     Petrovcic Cvetko         1611 SLO S60  d  2½   0   35  37½  2   
  86   82     Mihelj Edvard            1618 SLO S60  d  2½   0   32  34½  1   
  87   72     Bajec Borut              1703 SLO S60     2½   0   30  32½  1   
  88   83     Cokan Mirko              1614 SLO S60     2½   0   27½ 30   1   
  89   47     Cziko Eduard-Carol       1946 ROU          ½   0   27  28½  0   
  90   80     Deschi Leonardo Simone   1639 ITA U18      ½   0   26½ 28   0 


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