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10 Days 350 : 10.01.2013

Chess games 4567
Chess tournaments 39

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Paderborn GER, 9th Schachtuerken Cup

Rk           Name               Rtg  1     2     3     4     5     6     7     Pts TB1  TB2
1            Epishin, Vladimir  2575 45w1  34s1  7w1   2s½   3w½   18s1  10w1  6.0 30.0 25.00
2            Orlov, Andrey      2537 41w1  62s1  29w1  1w½   25s1  15s1  3w½   6.0 27.5 22.00
3            Karpatchev, Aleksa 2481 58s1  42w1  8s½   31w1  1s½   6w1   2s½   5.5 29.5 21.50
4            Borovikov, Vladisl 2565 68s1  16w1  12s1  25w½  6s½   5w½   14s1  5.5 28.5 22.25
5            Kaufeld, Juergen   2328 73w1  26s½  17w1  14s½  8w1   4s½   15w1  5.5 28.0 21.50
6            Schmuecker, Marcus 2185 63s1  56w½  19s1  13w1  4w½   3s0   28w1  5.0 27.5 20.75
7            Mundorf, Johannes  2200 74w1  36s1  1s0   72w1  14w½  20s1  11w½  5.0 26.0 17.75
8            Kemper, Meinolf    2144 82w1  89s1  3w½   9w½   5s0   64w1  31s1  5.0 25.0 15.25
9            Boidman, Yuri      2428 91w½  37s1  26w1  8s½   15w0  33s1  35w1  5.0 24.5 18.50
10           Trella, Thomas     2404 27s½  72w½  59s1  40w1  29s1  31w1  1s0   5.0 24.5 17.75
11           Steinle, Carsten   2206 87s½  65w1  14s0  75s1  30w1  16w1  7s½   5.0 23.5 17.25
12           Wagner, Alexey     2190 61w1  38s1  4w0   39s½  73w1  28s½  26w1  5.0 23.5 16.75
13           Giel, Olaf         2101 37w½  91s1  81w1  6s0   39w½  41s1  25w1  5.0 21.0 14.25
14           Schmitz, Philipp   2108 67w1  81s½  11w1  5w½   7s½   47s1  4w0   4.5 27.5 17.50
15           Scharfenberg, Mich 2153 66s1  59w½  56s1  30w1  9s1   2w0   5s0   4.5 26.5 16.50
16           Wittke, Rene       2089 51w1  4s0   38w½  48s1  17w1  11s0  39w1  4.5 25.5 16.75
17           Altenbernd, Jannis 1879 19s½  49w1  5s0   61w1  16s0  58w1  42s1  4.5 24.5 15.25
18           Becker, Norbert    2169 88s1  57w½  40s½  36w1  27s1  1w0   21s½  4.5 24.5 14.50
19           Hoette, Philipp    2066 17w½  90s1  6w0   46s1  20w0  38s1  37w1  4.5 24.0 13.25
20           Ruecker, Bastian   1856 42s0  58w½  87s1  49w1  19s1  7w0   64s1  4.5 22.5 14.00
21           Fox, Daniel        2126 56s0  63w1  60s1  44w1  28w½  25s½  18w½  4.5 22.0 15.75
22           Meyner, Hannes     2253 60s1  30w0  27s0  63w1  58s½  36w1  32s1  4.5 21.5 15.00
23           Boehm, Juergen     2207 75w1  32s0  36w0  74s1  38s½  60w1  40s1  4.5 20.0 13.25
24           Sundorf, Jannik    2194 36s0  74w1  72s0  76w1  57s1  40w½  44s1  4.5 18.5 12.75
25           Gazic, Josip       2294 85w1  33s1  32w1  4s½   2w0   21w½  13s0  4.0 29.0 15.00
26           Tran, Duc Cuong    2077 43s1  5w½   9s0   53w1  37s½  27w1  12s0  4.0 26.5 15.25
27           Fenner, Martin     1998 10w½  28s½  22w1  47s1  18w0  26s0  66w1  4.0 25.5 15.50
28           Jesse, Ingemars    2316 72s½  27w½  64s1  32w1  21s½  12w½  6s0   4.0 25.5 15.00
29           Boos, Markus       2154 48w1  44s1  2s0   57w1  10w0  39s½  30w½  4.0 25.5 13.75
30           Willenberg, Max    2050 86w1  22s1  47w½  15s0  11s0  54w1  29s½  4.0 25.0 13.25
31           Huesmann, Thomas   2244 84w1  39s1  83w1  3s0   35w1  10s0  8w0   4.0 25.0 11.50
32           Schroeder, Kevin   2025 76w1  23w1  25s0  28s0  59w1  34s1  22w0  4.0 24.0 13.50
33           Busche, Klaus      2058 54s1  25w0  43s½  51w½  55s1  9w0   57s1  4.0 23.0 13.50
34           Richter, Gerald    2099 53s1  1w0   61s½  56w1  43s½  32w0  65s1  4.0 23.0 12.75
35           Langer, Christian  2115 65s½  77w1  57s½  83w1  31s0  43w1  9s0   4.0 21.0 11.00
36           Zaerban, Jan-Chris 1976 24w1  7w0   23s1  18s0  52w½  22s0  78w1  3.5 26.5 12.75
37           Esser, Thomas      1942 13s½  9w0   71/+  62s1  26w½  42w½  19s0  3.5 25.0 11.75
38           Braun, Ingram      1972 70s1  12w0  16s½  52s½  23w½  19w0  80s1  3.5 24.5 11.25
39           Haskenhoff, Jan    2046 78s1  31w0  76s1  12w½  13s½  29w½  16s0  3.5 24.5 11.00
40           Fox, Jonas         2037 90w½  46s1  18w½  10s0  82w1  24s½  23w0  3.5 24.0 10.50
91 players


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